Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Taipei, Johor, Melaka

On my last full day in Taipei I went with Kyle to the top of Taipei 101, the world's tallest building.  One the way we took the world's fastest elevator up to the top, 1010 meters per minute at top speed...i think it took 36 seconds to go to the top...they even pressurize the cabin to reduce ear popping.  The observation area was on the 89th floor...great view...can see all the mountains surrounding the city and was a relatively clear day so we could see most of the city.  In the middle of the floor they have this giant steel ball on display that is on springs so that it can dampen the effects of wind and earthquakes on the building...important since Taiwan is in one of the most active earthquake zones in the world. 
Saturday night played some small stakes poker with a couple of Kyle's friends and made $5 for the first money i've earned since i started my trip.  Sunday just hung around then took the flight to Singapore.
got into singapore at 11pm, took the last subway train out of the airport which only took me two stops, I wanted to catch the last bus to malaysia at midnight...the guy at the airport told me to take a bus, but there wasn't a bus coming so after the train just hopped in a cab to the bus station.  got across to malaysia and realized there were no hostels or hotels in my guidebook for Johor the malaysia border town.  Had to take a cab to a cheap hotel the driver knew about.  it was $9 a night and the most disgusting room i've ever stayed in.  Smelled like sewage, had cigarette burns all over the carpet and sheets (which looked like they hadn't ever been changed)...so i put my sleeping bag on the bed and was finally able to catch some sleep.
Yesterday morning made it to Melaka, which is a quiet city build by the dutch or portuguese or both...a lot of european architecture and buildings painted in pastel colors.  was nice, but too quiet and a little boring so i left this morning and came to Kuala Lumpur.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey- my friend Kit is from KL...he says its awesome! Enjoy your time there...take lots of pics.

April 27, 2007 at 9:35 AM  

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